To Prevent Catching a Virus – Cough Up Some Exercise

It’s the middle of flu season and now we are facing a worldwide Pandemic.  Normally during this time of year, we are under attack from a variety of silent enemies that invades your nose, throat and lungs, reducing you to a sneezing, sniffling and aching mess. This year we are facing the toughest enemy yet – The Corona Virus.

Yes, these enemies are ready to strike our bodies and make us feel miserable for days or even weeks. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, influenza normally peaks in the United States in the first part of the year, spreading like wildfire across the country.

By now, we all know to wash your hands often, avoid touching your face, and practice social distancing. But what else can we do to improve immunity?

“In a normal year, the common cold and flu are the most contagious condition this time of year, but now the COVID 19 virus is running wild across the globe” says Matt Scott, Master Wellness Coach. “Unfortunately, it takes more than an apple a day or a bowl of chicken soup to keep these nasty viruses away.”

But while we can’t stop the spread of these viruses completely, we can avoid getting sick by strengthening our defenses against the invading germs. In fact, there are several ways to increase our immunity, Scott notes.

“Avoiding the illness is the best protection and following the CDC guidelines on the Corona Virus, but there are other preventive measures you can take in addition,” Scott says. “Basically, it’s a matter of boosting your immune system so it can stop viruses before they attack your body. This is where exercise is very effective.”

Scott points to recent studies showing that exercise creates disease-fighting cells in the immune system, making it more resistant to colds, flu, and illnesses in general. And, these studies have also reported that while brisk activity is recommended, we don’t have to work out to the point of exhaustion in order to get the immunity benefits of exercise.

“Research proves that even people who work out moderately at least 30 minutes five days a week, increase the number of immune-system cells that circulate in the body and kill viruses and bacteria,” he says. “These folks have 46 percent fewer colds than those who work out only once a week or not at all. And even if they do get ill, their symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, coughing, and runny nose are much less severe.”

The message here is clear: “If you work out on a regular basis, your immune system will heal your body quicker, with fewer complications,” Scott points out. “Sometimes, simplest things really do work best!”

Scott adds that there are other good preventive measures besides exercise that protect our health during disease outbreaks. “For example, eating vitamin-rich foods, supplement with Vitamin C and Zinc, drinking plenty of water, washing our hands frequently, and avoiding crowded public places that are real germ-fests, will also help,” he says. “It all comes down to common sense, good judgment, and a healthy lifestyle.”

About Matt Scott, Fitness Expert: 

Matt is a Certified Master Health and Wellness Coach. Coach Matt is passionate about fitness and has been a frequent contributor working with several media outlets on health and wellness.

Master Wellness Coach – Matt Scott

In addition, Matt and wife Kristy founded the American Health and Fitness Institute, a nonprofit organization to raise awareness for childhood obesity and other fitness related issues facing families in our community.  Coach Matt can also be heard, as the host of the Best of Health Podcast! The show explores a wide range of issues relating to Health and Wellness. The format is fun and interactive with featured guests each week.